About DeRegt

Ever since 1912 quality, craftsmanship and innovation are the pillars on which we have built our leadership in the development and manufacturing of high-quality cable solutions.

Our future

We keep stretching our ambitions, delivering new and innovative cable solutions. So you can dive deeper and climb higher. Our future lays where you take us as well as where we guide you. We have a firm belief in collaboration: together we can challenge the status quo.

Our present

In this short video you will discover where we are at today. From our Dutch HQ, we provide future-proof technical solutions based on the specific needs of our clients. Our well-trained craftspeople provide bright ideas, great products and excellent service. We deliver outstanding technical solutions for clients around the globe.

Our history

Mr. De Regt starts as a goldsmith in Rotterdam.


The Marshall Plan is of fundamental importance to De Regt’s machine shop, providing the necessary machinery.


A pressing need for innovative technical solutions leads to a partnership with Royal Shell Exploration.


De Regr Jr. sets up his own cable manufacturing facility: DeRegt Electric Cables.


Inauguration of new production facility at Capelle aan den IJssel.


The production and assembly of all seismic land cables is moved to Ireland.


The merger between DeRegt Special Cable and JDR comes to fruition.


First steps on the US market: a new production facility opens in Houston Texas.


A new umbilical facility is set up near Cambridge.


Name change to JDR Smart Solutions to emphasise its status as a technology partner.


DeRegt joins the Sercel group.


DeRegt under new management, offering new solutions.


Our story

Got you curious? Download our corporate brochure for the full story. Or take a look at our six steps to success.

Download brochure
Six step approach

Discover what we can do for you

Virtual Factory Tour – Curious about our manufacturing process? Join Merhawi Ghaim, one of our Design Engineers, for a virtual factory tour:

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